Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


About the Clinic


Medical and aesthetic treatment of any hereditary or subsequent pathological problem in the jaw, mouth and face area is considered within the scope of oral dentistry and surgery.

What treatments does oral and maxillofacial surgery deal with?

The question "What does jaw surgery look at?" is a question asked by almost everyone who needs jaw surgery. If we list the treatments that we can evaluate in this context;

Extractions of impacted or complicated teeth
Treatment of cystic tumors in the jaw
Treatment of dental lesions in the bone
Treatment of cleft palate and lip
Dental implant applications
Making the hard and soft tissue corrections needed during dental application
Correction of soft and hard tissues before dental prosthesis procedure
Treatment of soft tissue diseases in the mouth
Apart from the treatments we have mentioned above, many different treatment methods are evaluated within the scope of oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery. Oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures are performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, there is no feeling of pain and pain during the procedure.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery and wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the teeth in the back of the oral cavity. They are named that way because they usually come out in their 20s. These teeth usually do not come out completely, sometimes they remain partially or completely embedded in the jawbone. In this case, the deterioration of the form of other teeth may cause effects such as the tooth roots extending from the inside in a way that should not be, pushing other tooth roots. Pain in the jawbone, swelling, redness, swelling in the lymph nodes under the jaw are the most common 20-year-old tooth symptoms. It is important to intervene in these teeth in a timely manner. In some cases, the physician may want the patient to use medication for a while in order to perform dental treatment. In this case, the toothache and other symptoms may disappear, but this is temporary. If timely treatment is not performed, the symptoms may start again and the patient may have to use medication again. Therefore, it is useful to follow the doctor's recommendations. 20-year-old teeth operations are operations that are evaluated within the scope of oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery.
